IPCA has two canteens, one at the Barcelos Campus and another at the Braga Campus, three bars, and vending machines. Students at the Guimarães Campus are served by a restaurant located in Avepark, through a partnership between the Guimarães City Hall and the Avepark Restaurant. At the Famalicão Campus, there is also a canteen, with more information available under the “Canteen” tab. Additionally, there is a canteen at the Vila Verde Campus where students can have their meals. In the Esposende Campus and in the courses held in downtown Guimarães, food services are provided through agreements with partner entities.
The food services are managed by SASIPCA but are operated by private companies.
However, SASIPCA ensures that all obligations are met and that all hygiene and safety regulations for such services are strictly followed. The Avepark Restaurant is not part of this management.
The goal of this service is to offer all users lower prices than those found outside of IPCA, while ensuring the quality of all products.
Access to the Meal Service in the Campuses of Barcelos, Braga, Vila Verde, and Vila Nova de Famalicão follows these procedures:
Meal Purchase
Meal Purchase are made through the SASocial platform, accessible at https://portal.sas.ipca.pt, where users can:
– View menus with photos of the respective dishes;
– Purchase meals (see how to do this in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjyohA3qgaw);
– Cancel meal purchases;
– View the balance of their account, recharges, and a list of purchased meals.
To purchase a meal voucher, users must first top-up their balance (minimum top-up of 5€) and then access the SASocial platform and proceed as shown in the video.
Negative Balance
It is possible to book a meal on the SASocial platform without sufficient balance, resulting in a negative account balance. Users must visit the cafeteria before the meal to settle the balance and top-up a minimum of 5€.
Meal Booking Limit per User
Each user can make up to 3 reservations per meal.
Meals Purchased but Not Consumed or Cancelled
No refunds are given for pre-ordered meals that are neither consumed nor cancelled.